Thursday 27 December 2018

Investing in Real Estate Rentals

Investing in Real Estate Rentals: You Can Gain Wealth.

If you’re looking to amass a fortune during your lifetime, real estate investing is a smart option. By investing in real estate rentals, you and your loved ones can enjoy the peace of mind knowing that you’re investing in something tangible and within your control. Unlike stocks and bonds, where some CEO is making decisions using your investment dollars, real estate rentals investing gives you the power of its success or failure. To get started, here are some things you should know about investing in real estate rentals.

Investing in Real Estate Rentals: How to Determine a Good Rental Property

In order to ensure maximum occupancy rates and cash flow, it’s important to know how to determine a good rental property. There are several things to consider whenever you’re deciding where to buy a property for your rental profile.

1. Local Amenities

Prospective tenants look for local amenities, so you should look for the same in your rental properties. Amenities such as nearby parks and playgrounds, local coffee shops and grocery stores are positive signs. If there is a neighborhood watch program, street lamps or a nearby police station, these amenities can be highlighted when you advertise the property for rent.

2. Good Schools

If you’re hoping to attract families for your rental, try to buy in areas with good school ratings. And, as you may know, families with children tend to rent long-term instead of moving around frequently.

3. Opportunity For Cash Flow

If you’re hoping to generate some cash flow from your rental in addition to the appreciation value, you should factor that in when you decide whether or not to buy a rental property. Factor in any monthly costs you’ll incur, such as property management fees or utilities. Even if you only generate a few hundred dollars in positive cash flow, that can make it worth it to invest in that rental property.

Investing in Real Estate Rentals: Investment Strategy

One of the most popular rental property investment strategies is the BRRR method. BRRR stands for buy, renovate, rent, refinance. It’s popular because it works. The best thing is, you can use this method on any rental property, even if it’s a C or D class property. With the BRRR method, you improve a distressed property by rehabbing it. You then rent it out at market rates. Since the property is now worth considerably more than what you paid for it, you can then have it refinanced and pocket the difference. With the extra cash, you can make a down payment on a second property, use the BRRR method on that property, and so on. This rental property investment strategy is a great way to get in on the real estate market from the ground floor and work your way up to owning multi-family real estate properties some day.

Investing in Real Estate Rentals: Tax Deductions on Real Estate Rentals

Once you own your first real estate rental property, you’ll be able to benefit from many tax deductions you’re entitled to. For example, you can deduct property management fees, property repair expenses, advertising fees, and any software you have to subscribe to in order to efficiently run your real estate investment operation. These deductions help to offset the profits you make from your real estate rentals, as well as other income you receive from other sources. There are lots of tax deductions to know about, so the smart thing is to hire a tax professional who is experienced with real estate investing. This will ensure that your deductions comply with all the tax regulations. It will also help make sure that you get to take advantage of every single deduction you’re allowed to take.

Investing in real estate rentals is a great way to set you and your family up for financial success. Real estate has always been a sound investment, but when you educate yourself and use smart real estate strategies, you stand to make larger gains. The best piece of advice for real estate rentals investments is to surround yourself with a trusted team that can help educate you and support your goals

SWFL REIA is dedicated to helping members make profitable and well-thought-out residential investment choices via our content-rich meeting and collaboration with like-minded investors.

The Southwest Florida Real Estate Investment Association is the leading source of SWFL real estate investing events that provide investment education and networking in southwest Florida. We analyze the housing market and foreclosures and provide information, education and networking events in order to build a network and knowledge base for investors and potential investors. Our members include real estate agent, brokers, investors, hedge fund managers, rehabbers, wholesalers and more.

Our SWFL REIA General Meeting is held in Fort Myers where we provide education on hot topics in investing and an opportunity to enjoy the camaraderie of your fellow investors. You’ll get a chance to ask for advice from successful real estate professionals and even make a few deals on your latest projects.

To become a member, anyone can register as an individual, a couple, or a corporation. Being a member opens the doors for endless networking opportunities, advice from members with decades of experience, new ideas from entrepreneurs, camaraderie with those just beginning, and deals and contracts done in the meeting room. For those interested in Cape Coral rental property investment and/or Fort Myers rental property investment, SWFL REIA will be able to provide a network to help launch a successful investment career.

The SWFL REIA is known and respected as a source of current, actionable and useful information about the housing market in the area that we meet.

We meet twice a month.

Click here for information about the monthly luncheon.  

Click here for information about our nighttime general meeting. 

One of the premier sources for real estate investing networking and education is the SWFL REIA. In the real estate world, the SWFL REIA is different in that they do not do information product sales. Their meetings are focusing on the best ways of investing in real estate by collaborating with other property investors who are sharing their experiences.

We look forward to meeting you at a meeting soon!
Click here for membership information

Get our meeting notices and market data emailed to you.


The post Investing in Real Estate Rentals appeared first on SWFL Real Estate Investing.


Friday 21 December 2018

Multi Family vs Single Family Investment

Multi Family vs Single Family Investment: Which Is the Right Real Estate Investment for You?

Real estate investment is a reliable way of diversifying your investment portfolio. The right residential real estate investment option depends on your long-term financial objectives and the time you’re willing to dedicate to managing and maintaining the property.

However, once you’ve decided to invest in real estate, you’ll need to make some tough decisions. One primal question is, multi family Vs Single Family investment, which will work best for you? Multi family and single family investments are appealing to real estate investors based on investing preferences and personal finances. Here is a detailed look at the differences in the two investment options – Multi Family Vs Single Family Investment – to help you make an informed investment decision.

Multi Family vs Single Family Investment: Multi Family Investment

The multi family investment option presents you a more reliable source of income. It’s generally assumed that multi family homes are more beneficial than single family homes. For example, while multi family units will rarely become completely unoccupied, owners of single family homes can go for months without generating any income when their units are vacant. Moreover, the multi family homes tend to be cheaper than the single family units, and thus fill up faster.

As a first-time investor in real estate, you can purchase a multi family home and save money by living in one of your units. Living on your property will also help you reduce the extra costs associated with management and maintenance of the property.

You can own multiple multi family units with fewer mortgage loans compared to single family properties. For example, an investor who has purchased five single family properties will be required to obtain five separate mortgages. He/she will also be required to make five monthly payments, five insurance payments, and five quarterly property tax payments.

The process of applying and paying for five separate mortgage loans is not only time-consuming but also frustrating. On the other hand, if you invest in a five-unit apartment building, you’ll only deal with one mortgage loan, one property insurance, and one property tax.

Multi Family vs Single Family Investment: Single Family Investment

One of the biggest advantages of investing in single family homes is the potential to purchase a property below the fair market value. The strategy means that profits can be made and lost when the properties are being sold. As an investor, you gain equity in the percentage below market value from day one.

For example, if the worth of a single family home is $100,000, but you purchase it for 80% of the market value, you gain 20% percent equity as soon as you make the purchase. Meaning, you will pay $80,000 and gain a $20,000 equity stake in the single family home.

In addition, multi family homes are less available in many areas. Hence, they are sold above their current market value. The multi family home sales prices tend to remain above the current market value due to the prospect that future improvements or remodeling projects will lead to higher rents.

High-end single family homes occupied by qualified tenants have a lower turnover compared to multi family homes. The cost of managing a residential real estate property is based on the tenant population along with management logistics.

Therefore, in such elegant single family homes, renters who view their living conditions as permanent will have a sense of pride in maintaining where they live themselves. As a result, the investor will incur lesser maintenance costs and repairs. Single family tenants normally don’t outgrow their living spaces quickly enough because they enjoy additional bedrooms, basement, and a backyard.

Multi Family vs Single Family Investment: The Bottom Line?

There are differences in multi family vs single family investment in residential properties in the SWFL area. SWFL REIA is dedicated to helping members make profitable and well-thought-out residential investment choices via our content-rich meeting and collaboration with like-minded investors.

Members benefit from exceptional networking and educational investment materials so they can either invest in multi family or single family properties. Those who seek to build a balanced investment portfolio can also combine multi family and single family investment approaches.
The Southwest Florida Real Estate Investment Association is the leading source of SWFL real estate investing events that provide investment education and networking in southwest Florida. We analyze the housing market and foreclosures and provide information, education and networking events in order to build a network and knowledge base for investors and potential investors. Our members include real estate agent, brokers, investors, hedge fund managers, rehabbers, wholesalers and more.

Our SWFL REIA General Meeting is held in Fort Myers where we provide education on hot topics in investing and an opportunity to enjoy the camaraderie of your fellow investors. You’ll get a chance to ask for advice from successful real estate professionals and even make a few deals on your latest projects.

To become a member, anyone can register as an individual, a couple, or a corporation. Being a member opens the doors for endless networking opportunities, advice from members with decades of experience, new ideas from entrepreneurs, camaraderie with those just beginning, and deals and contracts done in the meeting room. For those interested in Cape Coral rental property investment and/or Fort Myers rental property investment, SWFL REIA will be able to provide a network to help launch a successful investment career.

The SWFL REIA is known and respected as a source of current, actionable and useful information about the housing market in the area that we meet.

We meet twice a month.

Click here for information about the monthly luncheon.  

Click here for information about our nighttime general meeting. 

One of the premier sources for real estate investing networking and education is the SWFL REIA. In the real estate world, the SWFL REIA is different in that they do not do information product sales. Their meetings are focusing on the best ways of investing in real estate by collaborating with other property investors who are sharing their experiences.

We look forward to meeting you at a meeting soon!
Click here for membership information

Get our meeting notices and market data emailed to you.


The post Multi Family vs Single Family Investment appeared first on SWFL Real Estate Investing.


Thursday 6 December 2018

November 2018 Foreclosure report for Lee County

Where does the November 2018 Foreclosure report for Lee County come from?

We download from public records and trend with Microsoft Excel. We have been doing this since 2007. This report has value because it is a leading indicator of bank-owned homes coming to market.

Compiled and analyzed by Jeff Tumbarello.

November 2018 Foreclosure report for Lee County: Trends at a glance.

Lis Pendens:

  • November 2018: 102 Mortgage related Lis Pendens
  • October 2018: 91 Mortgage related Lis Pendens
  • November  2017: 33 Mortgage related Lis Pendens

Certificates of Title:

  • November 2018: 41 Certificates of Title were conveyed.
  • October 2018: 68 Certificates of Title were conveyed.
  • September 2017: 51 Certificates of Title were conveyed.

November 2018 Foreclosure report for Lee County: Top Ten Filers for Lis Pendens.


9 8.82%


6 5.88%







5 4.90%


4 3.92%


4 3.92%








November 2018 Foreclosure report for Lee County: Charts.

This chart shows the total amount of deeds transferred via a certificate of title. 

November 2018 Foreclosure report for Lee County total trend of the deeds conveyed

This chart shows the total amount of the deeds transferred via a certificate of title since 2015.

November 2018 Foreclosure report for Lee County deeds conveyed since 2015

This chart shows the current and the last trend for Lis Pendens filings in Lee County Florida. 

November 2018 Foreclosure report for Lee County deeds conveyed since 2015

This chart shows the Lis Pendens filings for Lee County Florida since 2015.

November 2018 Foreclosure report for Lee County Lis Pendens Filed Since 2015

This Chart shows the Lis Pendens filings for 2018. 

November 2018 Foreclosure report for Lee County Lis Pendens Filed Since 2018


The Southwest Florida Real Estate Investment Association is the leading source of SWFL real estate investing events that provide investment education and networking in southwest Florida. We analyze the housing market and foreclosures and provide information, education and networking events in order to build a network and knowledge base for investors and potential investors. Our members include real estate agent, brokers, investors, hedge fund managers, rehabbers, wholesalers and more.

Our SWFL REIA General Meeting is held in Fort Myers where we provide education on hot topics in investing and an opportunity to enjoy the camaraderie of your fellow investors. You’ll get a chance to ask for advice from successful real estate professionals and even make a few deals on your latest projects.

To become a member, anyone can register as an individual, a couple, or a corporation. Being a member opens the doors for endless networking opportunities, advice from members with decades of experience, new ideas from entrepreneurs, camaraderie with those just beginning, and deals and contracts done in the meeting room. For those interested in Cape Coral rental property investment and/or Fort Myers rental property investment, SWFL REIA will be able to provide a network to help launch a successful investment career.

The SWFL REIA is known and respected as a source of current, actionable and useful information about the housing market in the area that we meet.

We meet twice a month.

Click here for information about the monthly luncheon.  

Click here for information about our nighttime general meeting. 

One of the premier sources for real estate investing networking and education is the SWFL REIA. In the real estate world, the SWFL REIA is different in that they do not do information product sales. Their meetings are focusing on the best ways of investing in real estate by collaborating with other property investors who are sharing their experiences.

We look forward to meeting you at a meeting soon!
Click here for membership information

Get our meeting notices and market data emailed to you.

 Subject: November 2018 Foreclosure report for Lee County


The post November 2018 Foreclosure report for Lee County appeared first on SWFL Real Estate Investing.
